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Qpapa實用英文-梅雨季Plum Rain Season


每年五、六月在台灣因為鋒面影響,雨量特別顯著,再加上這時期剛好是梅子成熟期,因此稱為梅雨季Plum Rain Season),不過對非華人來說,跟他們提Plum Rain Season,他們可能不了解意思,因此可以說 rainy spell in early summer。雖說這時期所下的豪雨,可能為台灣帶來淹水問題,但它卻也為台灣水庫帶來豐沛的水資源。


🌧 drizzle 毛毛雨

🌧 downpour / rain cats and dogs 傾盆大雨

🌧 pouring rain 大雨

🌧 torrential rain 大豪雨

🌧 afternoon thunderstorm 午後雷陣雨

🌧 thunder shower 雷陣雨


1. Flood 水災

2. Landslide 坍方

3. Mudslide 土石流



1. Every cloud has a silver lining. 撥雲見日,雨過天晴

【例】Every cloud has a silver lining. We will overcome this frustration soon.


2. Be on cloud nine 開心

【例】She is on cloud nine because she got the first prize of speaking contest.


3. Be under the weather 生病

【例】Mom was under the weather so she asked for a sick leave.


4. Fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

【例】Adam has fair-weather friends only. When he's in the trouble, no one can help him.


5. Take a rain check 更改行程

【例】I'm not available to visit your place this weekend. May I take a rain check?


6. Rain on someone's parade 潑冷水

【例】Excuse me, I don't want to rain your parade, but I have to leave party early.


7. Steal one's thunder 搶走目光

【例】My sister was very elegant to steal everyone's thunder in the party.


8. Storm out 極度生氣地離開

【例】John stormed out of the meeting room because he had a serious argument with his coworker.


9. Storm in a teacup 大驚小怪

【例】It's just a storm of teacup that students forget to write their homework.





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