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感恩節白宮傳統特赦火雞 President Pardons the National Thanksgiving


  在感恩節前夕,總統按照過往白宮傳統,會特赦一到兩隻火雞(Pardons a turkey),這些火雞會飼養到老死,不會被宰殺吃掉。

  Two Indiana turkeys – one named Peanut Butter, the other named Jelly – will be counting their lucky feathers Friday morning. The two birds were selected as National Thanksgiving Turkeys and will be pardoned by President Joe Biden at an annual ceremony in the White House's Rose Garden.

  After the pardoning ceremony, Peanut Butter and Jelly will travel to Purdue University to live out the rest of their days in Purdue's Animal Science Research and Education Center, where they'll be given an enclosed, indoor space with access to a "shady, grassy area," according to a press release from the university. --《USA TODAY》

  今年President Joe Biden會特赦兩隻來自印第安納州的火雞,一隻是Peanut Butter(花生醬),另一隻火雞名為Jelly(果醬)。在白宮玫瑰園舉行完感恩節赦免火雞典禮之後,會被送往普渡大學飼養。




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