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Qpapa聽歌學英文【The Nights】-Avicii




Hey, once upon a younger year 在年輕歲月時

When all our shadows disappeared 當我們的影子全都消逝時

The animals inside came out to play 內心的猛獸開始騷動

Hey, when face to face with all our fears 當直面所有的恐懼

Learned our lessons through the tears 在淚水中學到教訓

Made memories we knew would never fade 讓記憶永不褪色

One day my father, he told me 有天我父親告訴我

"Son, don't let it slip away” 「兒子,別讓它溜走」

He took me in his arms, I heard him say 他把我擁入懷中,我聽到他說

"When you get older 「當你逐漸變老時

Your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的心將會留在年輕歲月中

Think of me if ever you're afraid.” 害怕時就想起我吧。』

He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind 他說「有天你會離開這個世界

So live a life you will remember.” 所以活一個你會記得的人生吧!

My father told me when I was just a child 我父親在我年幼時告訴我的

These are the nights that never die 這是生生不息的夜晚

My father told me 我父親告訴我

When thunder clouds start pouring down當開始下起狂風暴雨

Light a fire they can't put out點亮一個不會熄滅的火

Carve your name into those shining stars把你的名字刻在閃耀的星辰

He said, "Go venture far beyond the shores. 他說「去跳脫你的舒適圈」

Don't forsake this life of yours. 不要浪費你的生命

I'll guide you home no matter where you are.”

One day my father, he told me

"Son, don't let it slip away”

When I was just a kid I heard him say

"When you get older

Your wild heart will live for younger days

Think of me if ever you're afraid.”

He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind

So live a life you will remember.”

My father told me when I was just a child

These are the nights that never die

My father told me

These are the nights that never die

My father told me




  • 歌詞第一段出現的disappeared和 fade 都是指消逝、消失的意思

  • shadow:影子、陰影、陰霾

  • memories:回憶(複數)

  • slip away:溜走

  • took sb. in one's arms:將某人擁入懷中

  • afraid:害怕、恐懼

  • remember:記憶、記得

  • carve:雕刻、鑿

  • forsake:放棄、斷念

  • guide:引領、指引


  • face to face with all our fears _直面我們所有的恐懼

  • Learned our lessons through the tears_在淚水中學到教訓

  • Your wild heart will live for younger days_你狂野的心只會留在逝去的青春裡

  • leave this world behind_撒手人寰

  • live a life you will remember_過一個難以忘懷的人生

  • thunder clouds start pouring down_開始下起狂風暴雨

  • Go venture far beyond the shores_跳脫舒適圈


☎️電話: 04-7282702




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