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As early as 1925, Father of Taiwan Sun Yat-sen discovered the importance of afforestation very early, and has been actively advocating the national afforestation movement to improve people's livelihood.


Because he has been committed to advocating national afforestation to improve people's livelihood during his lifetime, the government has designated the day of his death (March 12) as the Arbor Day. Every year on this day, Tree-planting activities are held throughout the country, and practical actions are used to follow the will of the father.


With the evolution of the times, the significance of planting trees is no longer just for people's livelihood, but also includes the importance of environmental protection, which has been a goal that the world attaches great importance to and strives for.


Nowadays, environmental protection awareness in various parts of Asia has begun. In order to avoid the continuous occurrence of desertification, various Asian countries have also begun to actively work hard to cultivate forests and plant wood species that conserve water and soil.


以色列-橄欖樹 Israel-olive tree


The olive tree was listed as the national tree of Israel in 2007, and there are olive branches on the national emblem surrounding the Jewish lampstand. The olive tree has been used many times as a metaphor for Israel as a holy people, planted by God. Israel has repeatedly issued stamps with the theme of olive trees as a commemorative.



Maple is the national tree of Canada. The Canadian people who enjoy the reputation of "the country of maple leaves" have a special affection for maple leaves. They regard it as a national treasure and a symbol of the nation, and represent the maple leaf as the national flag.



The oak tree has a hard texture, a wide crown, and can bloom. It is known as the "king of the forest" and is also the largest flowering plant in the world. Not only that, oak trees have a long lifespan, and many oak trees survive for more than a hundred years. The oak tree is a common symbol of strength and endurance. In 2004, the oak tree was officially declared as the tree of the United States, symbolizing the power of the country.

日本-櫻花樹 Japan-cherry tree


In Japan, the cherry blossom symbolizes vitality and is known as the spirit in the flower, and is given the meaning of the samurai spirit. The cherry blossom is both a symbol of Japan and the pride of the Japanese.

中國-銀杏樹China-Ginkgo Tree


The vitality of the ginkgo tree is tenacious. Except for natural changes and external damage, ginkgo trees rarely die naturally. They were born in the same era as the dinosaurs. They are "living fossils" in the trees. Therefore, the emperor's seat in the Jinluan Temple of the Northern Song Dynasty and the court capital held by the ministers of the Yuan Dynasty It is made of ginkgo. The ginkgo tree means the everlasting age.

台灣-梅花Taiwan-Plum Tree

梅有三蕾五瓣,代表三民主義及五權憲法,且梅花凌冬耐寒,其所表現的堅貞剛潔,堅忍不拔的象徵是中華民族的精神,足為國人效法。自古以來,人們都對它讚賞有加,歷代文人都留下了動人的作品來讚美梅花的品格,「遙知不是雪, 為有暗香來」的崇高品格和堅貞氣節以及它不與百花爭春的高潔之美為我國代表。

The plum has three buds and five petals, representing the Three Principles of the People and the Five Powers Constitution, and the plum blossoms are cold and hardy in winter. The symbol of steadfastness and perseverance is the spirit of the Chinese nation, which is enough for the people to imitate. Since ancient times, people have appreciated it, and literati of the past dynasties have left moving works to praise the character of plum blossoms, the lofty character and steadfastness of "knowing that it is not snow, for there is a secret fragrance" and it does not compete with flowers. Noble beauty has become the representative of our country.

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